Choose your Universe

How to be a DM 3: Define your universe by choosing a theme and rules

This is the 3rd of an 18 part series on How to be a DM. To start at the beginning, click here.


Once you decide that you are ready for the challenge of being a DM, you have to decide what your theme and style will be. What does your universe look like and how does it act?

Pick Your Setting

First you need to pick the theme, because Story is King! What types of fantasy or science fiction inspires you and your cast of players? Do you want to stick with published adventures or write your own?

If you are new to this game, I would recommend you try out a campaign that is already published. Creating a world of your own can be creative and rewarding, but so much of building that world depends on the mechanics of the game. You need to know how to run a campaign before you are ready to write one from scratch.

So if you are using an established setting, you need to pick a rules system that goes with it.

Select a Rules System

Many people use a D20-based system like D&D or Pathfinder for straight fantasy campaigns. There are also alternate systems like GURPS and even Hackmaster. For other settings, there may be integrated rules that go along like them like Shadowrun or Doctor Who RPG.

So it is up to you to pick a a system that goes with your theme and that you feel comfortable playing. For your first time DM-ing, you probably want to pick a system you have played before that you already know or something with a large user community.

I have been playing RPGs since the early 80s. In chronological order, I have played AD&D, GURPS, D&D 3e, 3.5, Star Wars RPG, 4e, Shadowrun, and now 5e. For a new player, I would recommend 5e because the rules have been simplified and the storytelling aspects are emphasized. If you are looking for detailed descriptions of the rules of different systems, this is not the website for you. I am a bard – not a member of the night watch!

Spend a good chunk of time reading the rule books and watch YouTube videos on them. Watch videos of other people playing for education and inspiration.(See the wonderful resources in the sidebar.)

Read the campaign stories listed on this website. Let it all settle in your brain for a while.

Now that you’ve picked a theme and a rules system, what style of campaign do you want to run?

Heroes or Villians?

Do you want to require your players to be the good guys or can they play evil villains? When you come down to it, most of the villians really believe that they are actually the good guys. Bitzy the Bard personally believes it is all about playing a hero, but that is for you to decide.

So now that we know the theme of your story and what the rules of your universe are, you have to decide what general story you want to tell.

Because as stated before Story is King!

Bitzy the Bard
“Life is an adventure story and you are the star. Choose to play a hero!”

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