Looks Like a Boot – Feels Like a Sneaker

How to make spats for cosplay from second-hand boots and sneakers

How to Make Spats from Second-hand Boots to Wear for Cosplay

Every time that Rose the Ranger and I go to a convention, there is a conversation like this:

Bitzy: What do you think of my outfit?
Rose: Ummm, Mom, you are wearing boots.
Bitzy: I know! They look perfect with my outfit.
Rose: But we are going to be walking for hours.
Bitzy: Oh, it will be ok. These boots are comfortable. Let’s go check out that jewelry booth…
*Four hours later*
Bitzy: Oh my feet. I have blisters on blisters. *hobble* *hobble*

Enough! I cannot continue to be a self-made Con Cripple! I think I found a solution to my recurring cosplay problem.

This year, I decided to try to make boot spats. I bought a pair of black, slim sneakers with black soles, that I covered with spats made from second-hand boots. If all goes well, I will have the look of boots with the comfort of sneakers for those long but enjoyable convention days.

black boots
black soled sneakers

  • Pair of cheapo thrift store boots, in two sizes bigger than my shoe size. (Try to find ones with low heels.)
  • Black soled slim-fit tennis shoes
  • Utility knife, safety gloves, and safety glasses
  • Velcro
  • Contact adhesive (Goop)
  • Sewing supplies

1. Carefully cut the boot off of its sole using a utility knife. This process is tricky and takes strength, so take precautions to protect yourself.
cutting boot upper off sole with an exacto knife
2. Use hot glue to reattach boot upper to its lining as needed.
gluing boot to lining with a hot glue gun
3. Attach soft loopy velcro to shoes immediately above the sole. I used contact adhesive as hot glue did not seem secure enough.

Wait 24-48 hours for the adhesive to cure. (I know – I left it until the last minute too!)

contact adhesive used to attach velcro
4. Sew small pieces of stiff hooky velcro to the underside of the boot uppers using leather needle on sewing machine. It is possible you could use contact adhesive in this step. But I chose to sew it, so it would be more secure.
sewing velcro to boot with a sewing machine
5. To wear, slip spat over foot and THEN put the sneaker on your foot. Close the zipper, pull the boot down, and press the velcro pieces in place.
putting spats on over shoe

I think they look great and no one would know unless they look closely. Make sure that when you take them off, you gently slide your finger along the velcro to separate the two halves instead of yanking it.

I like them so much I made a brown pair too. The brown pair had high heels, so I sewed on some black material to fill in the gap near the heel. Hopefully this year will be different and I will be walking pain-free and in style!

These boots were made for walkin’…

black boot spats
brown boot spats

If you have any questions, ask them in the comment fields below.

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