Technology to the rescue?

How to DM 9: Bitzy’s thoughts on how to use computers in an RPG

This is the 9th of an 18 part series on How to be a DM. To start at the beginning, click here.

So we decided that we want to give our players some kind of visual representation of what they are seeing. Could computer technology help us?

Possible Use of Computers

What about using computer graphics to display a scene to the players or show the map on the table? It’s easy to create maps, you can use online resources, and you have instant set up for combat. There are some neat display tables out there that show gridded maps and online sites to connect with others and play RPGs.

Bitzy the Bard is a big fan of technology. I have a master’s degree in engineering and have been working in the field of software development for almost 30 years now. I have no fear of pixels or data. This is what I do 40+ hours a week. I enjoy playing computer games and love my iPhone.

No computers during RGGBut therein lies the rub. We are surrounded by technology in this world. For me, a big part of the appeal of RPGs is that you get away from those computers for a time and spend time with your friends in a social setting.

If I wanted to spend hours looking at computer graphics, then I would play a video game or go to a movie. For me, playing RPGs is when my mind unplugs and I can enjoy telling stories and thinking of simpler times.

The world of your creation may be a medieval world that has no computers. What is this technology you see then, some new kind of magic?!

How I Use Computers

I do admit I use computers extensively in organizing my thoughts and preparing the crafts I use in my adventures. I am also not averse to using teleconferencing technology to let an established player join in the game remotely, as long as it doesn’t wreck game flow.

But that’s where I personally draw the line. This is my time to be free of our robot overlords and have simple human interaction.

Our next story will discuss other ways to show the world to your players in Show, Don’t Tell.

Bitzy the Bard
“Life is an adventure story and you are the star. Choose to play a hero!”

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