I See a White Wall and I Want to Paint it Gray

Castle Tiles 5: Painting foam board castle tiles in RPGs

This is the 5th of a 5 part series on making castle tiles. To start at the beginning, click here.

Painting Castle Tile Walls

We are almost done! We have the castle tiles all crafted and just need to paint them. You can’t use spray paint or the chemicals will eat into your foam. You have to paint them by hand, but don’t worry, this is the easiest part!

  • Acrylic paint
  • Other standard art supplies like paintbrushes

1. Use slightly watered-down, gray acrylic paint to paint the foam walls on the outside of your castle tiles. Make sure the gray paint runs in all the little cracks, so it will look like grout or mortar.
Paint light gray on foam walls of castle tiles
2. Wait for the gray paint to completely dry. Use a slightly darker gray paint to pick out some of the bricks for variety. Subtle is good.
Paint some bricks on foam castle tile walls
3. Wait for the darker gray bricks to thoroughly dry. Use a stiff brush and just add a touch of white paint to accent some of the bricks.
Highlights on foam castle tile walls

You are done at last! You have fabulous castle tiles to use in your next gaming session. Your players will be so impressed by your handiwork.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comment field below.

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